Sopranino-recorder after D. Perosa (name inscribed in a scroll): Italy ? 1st. half 18th c. ivory ??? Almost nothing is known about Perosa. He may have
been related to Marco Perosa, oboist at San Marco in Venice around 1760.
The mark has been red incorrectly “Peposa” (Schlosser 1920).
Besides this sopranino in private possession there exists a soprano in
Vienna (Kunsthistorisches Museum) and an oboe in Copenhagen (Claudius-Collection). Lit.: Guido Klemisch, „Zur Bauweise der
Blockflöte um 1700 und Möglichkeiten des Nachbaus,“ in
SAIM, Beiheft 12, Michaelstein/Blankenburg, 1992, S. 47 |